Manually index the softener control into the service position and let water flow into the resin tank. When the system regenerates there will be increased flow via this tubing which may cause the tubing to become loose.
Programming the fleck 5600 meter valve.

How to set water softener timer fleck 5600.
1500 2500 control valve time clock service manual 1500 2500 2700 control valve manual service manual 2500 control valve econominder service manual 251.
View the video tutorial and step by step instructions on how to reset your softener timer.
Ever wonder what the different dials or gears on your water softener are for.
5600 control valve time clock spanish service manual.
Salt setting adjustment for fleck 5600 softener.
Pentair water university.
Use this water softener capacity calculator or our cylinder calculators to find the capacity of your softener.
Fleck manuals water softeners control heads set up and repair instructions.
Set time for fleck 5600 controller.
Drain line is securely in place before the use of the water softener system.
This is a general overview of our water filtration systems and how manually set the timers on them.
As an essential business we will remain open and are taking precautions to keep customers and staff safe.
How to set the time and days of regeneration backwash of the fleck 5600 valve with basic 12 day skipper wheel for setting your days to operate.
This is an instructional video that explains how to adjust the settings for the fleck 5600 econominder water softener.
Before start up a few simple steps must be followed to program the fleck 5600 meter valve.
Setting the proper time of day is easy on your fleck 5600 water softener.
Setting water filtration system timers.
This video demonstrates how to set the time on a controller.
Timer water softener setup configuration demonstration.
Setting up the fleck 5600 meter softener valve.
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